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Some info about me, just something to know me better. - SCHOOL and JOB: I studied at the Art Institute of Monza, with best notes. I also went to a specialisation academy of restoration. Now I'm a advertising designer and sale account. - SPORTS AND HOBBIES: just read my Passions ^__^. RANDOM THINGS: I love violet things, I love Hello Kitty and Tongari Boshi no Memoru. My favourite manga comics is Dears; I also watch anime movies, most of all majokko ones. I love to eat, everything! - I HATE: hypocrisy, unnecessary debates, evil, the lack of qualities, the ones who are always in bad mood. - WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME: people who know me say I'm a girl full of life and energy, a real volcano. I add that I change mood very often (zodiac sign: Pisces); I like to dream but also to be concrete. Sometimes it's better to stay away from me, I'm stubborn and rarely handle compromises. With my friends I'm usually softer. I'm full of ideas and new proposals. - MY QUOTES: 'I can't be loved by everyone, and I can't like everyone', 'The life is only one to live' and 'Live and let ME live'!

If you don't know what a COSPLAY is, just ask my friend Giorgia, no one may explain it better. After a year of cosplaying my website was born; the website guides you into my passion. After another year I decided to restyle it completely and personally. I'm not a teenager anymore, but still I love COMICS, ANIME, MOVIES AND J-CULTURE. Everytime I think about my childhood I smile remembering days full of games and new stories. The first part of my afternoons has always been dedicated to anime movies, I used to watch them with my mother. Now I'm still into it, as you can see! An important step was stumbling into Giorgia's website. She eventually became a friend of mine, following me into the glamour world of Cosplay! Now I'm into a completely new world, where I found new friends and ideas. To choose my new costume, I usually check the appearance of the character carefully: it has to be a great costume, not necessary a great character itself. Sometimes I check manga HENTAI. Spellforce was a first sight love; I didn't know anything about the character, but I loved the costume. Until now I dedicated myself to JEM from Jem and the Holograms, NINA WILLIAMS from Tekken/Death by Degrees, SORCERESS from Masters of the Universe, Kodachi from Ranma 1/2 and many other characters you'll find in the 'Cosplay' section of my website. I usually search for the stuff of the costumes myself, but then I ask my mother to help me to complete the work. After months of training, I'm now able to create most of the costumes myself. I start with the paper figures, then I cut the tissue and only at the very end my mother uses the sewing machine. Usually I'm able to find or create the props and accessories myself. I love the manual work, I used to study at a restoration academy!

A part of the cosplay, I love: - THAI BOXE (muai thai); I entered this world as I was 17 years old. Currently I practice Sanda (Chinese kick boxing) with the KOMBAT 2000 TEAM. I don't know why I'm that tied to this discipline, I struggle to arrive to the day when I can train. I use to check my training hall also when it's not training day, just to check my friends. It is not a sport full of violence; there are people which ruin the sport with violence, but first of all martial arts are disciplines. There are strict rules to save the lifes of the athlets. More info: KOMBAT 2000 - DRAWINGS. There is the ARTS section in my website, showing my works of art. Most of them hail from the time of the art school I used to go, but when I have time, I like to draw. It's one of my favourite passions. As a young girl I loved to draw horses, now I like to draw female bodies, almost nude ones, also winged ones. I like to create things, creation is my world.
For the old version of the website I wish to thank Borgo7, who believed in me from the very beginning, helping me creating this space. For the new version I thank myself, LEN, my friend YLENIA, Ciarenani and EMILY!. I also have to thank my parents which teached me to be stubborn, to follow my dreams and to believe in them. It's because of them that I realised some of my wishes. Thank you both, you managed to have fun helping me in this experience, enjoying my enthusiasm and my successes. Thanks Anca for the sewing help. Thanks Sermemole, you chosed what to do with your head and your strength. If I go back to the beginning, I see I'll make the same decisions. Thanks to all people I learned to know during this adventure: first of all a great hug to NADIASK, she was my fellow cosplayer in many experiences, thanks for being here. Thanks to the TorinoeCo group: Stante, Raffy, Harley and Max. Thanks to my friend LEN. Thanks to Max vertua, your photoes are always very welcome!

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